Please be aware that Zoom access for Fall 2023 has been extended and UNCG will not be decommissioning until December 31, 2023. This means that you will be able to continue to use Zoom for Fall 2023 courses. However if you would like to start the Fall semester using Teams, please consider reaching out to […]

There are a lot of questions pertaining to what storage will look like as we migrate to Microsoft. Some new information has been made available about the difference between individual cloud storage in OneDrive, Department Cloud Storage in SharePoint, and workgroup storage in Microsoft Teams. To learn a bit more about these options, take a […]

Presented by the Instructional Support Network, a partnership between the Academic Technology Specialists, ITS Learning Technology, and the UTLC, meet with representatives from each group dedicated to answering your questions and addressing your challenges. Drop-in any time during an upcoming session,, to ask your questions about teaching and technology. Be sure to login to […]

Did you know that the School of Education (SOE) Academic Technology Specialist (ATS) offers workshop & training opportunities specifically tailored to SOE faculty and staff? Next month, we will be offering two SOE Drop-In | Microsoft Teams sessions during Spring Break. School of Education instructors (faculty, lecturers, adjuncts, teaching assistants, etc.) and staff are invited […]