The UTLC is pleased to offer UNCG instructors free access to Auburn’s Teaching with AI course beginning this summer. The course was developed by Auburn University’s Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and will be facilitated by teaching and learning staff at UNCG. The course is intended for instructors who would like to integrate Generative AI into their curriculum in the coming academic year. You can learn more about this opportunity and register via the form.
Auburn’s Teaching with AI Course Registration Now Available!
ITS Learning Technology Summer Workshops
Are you preparing to teach this summer? ITS Learning Technology has workshops scheduled for you and your students! You can share the relevant links with your students so they can get their fast-paced summer semester off to a smooth start and focus on their coursework, instead of technology.
- For Faculty: Teaching with Teams – April 18 at 11:00 in Bryan 209
- For Students: Learning with Teams – May 7 at 2:00 (virtual)
- Canvas for UNCG Students: May 16 at 2:00 (virtual)
AI Institute Registration Open Until April 29!
UNCG’s first AI Institute: Educate, Innovate, Iterate will be held in-person on May 6, 2024. We are excited to announce that the registration form is now open! You can use the registration form to:
- Register for the in-person event on May 6 and access to the Canvas course with supplemental materials, or
- Register for access to the AI Institute Canvas course that will contain a link to the livestream of the keynote session, supplemental materials from the institute, and recordings to select sessions.

Canvas will be down Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 2:05 a.m. until 4:05 a.m.
Instructure, the vendor for Canvas, has scheduled maintenance that is expected to last no more than 5 minutes but could extend to 2 hours. During the maintenance window, Canvas may be unavailable.
If you have questions or need technical assistance, contact 6-TECH at (336) 256-TECH (8324) or [email protected].
Upcoming SOE Drop-in Sessions | Microsoft Bookings

This month the SOE Academic Technology Specialist will be offering drop-in sessions focused on the Microsoft Bookings app. Register to attend a session to learn more about the tool and to get your questions answered.