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As the semester is coming to an end, don’t forget about the Canvas Course Extension form. This form was created to allow instructors the ability to request a course extension in Canvas for student(s) that need to finish an Incomplete. This will extend the course only for the students indicated on the form. Instructors will need to complete the form for each course in which there are students that require extended access to finish an Incomplete.

Once the student’s access has been extended, keep in mind that you may need to go through your course to set some accommodations for assignments so that the student can continue to participate in them. This will depend greatly on what you have used but the basics is that you are looking to assign to them an extension of the dates they have to complete the assignment. In the example below, we have only one student “Evan Kelly” access in March to complete something that closed for everyone else on Feb 15. 

Variable Assignment Due Dates and Availability

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your SOE ITCs.

Adapt 2022 conference banner

The Adapt Conference has always been about getting ready for what’s next. In the past, the Adapt conference has helped instructors prepare for online and technology-mediated content delivery. This year, Adapt 2022 will focus on our changing educational landscape and address all delivery formats (face-to-face, hybrid, hyflex, and online). Our classrooms are evolving with different student populations and new approaches to engagement. Join us as we learn how UNCG faculty are adapting to new delivery formats, overcoming pedagogical hurdles and using new technology options to create inclusive, meaningful experiences for our students. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with colleagues and engage in sessions such as:

  • An address by Provost Storrs on the Future of Teaching at UNCG followed by remarks from two teaching excellence award winners
  • Two roundtable discussions to reflect on the impacts the pandemic has had on teaching and learning and how we can best support students at this time
  • Five lightning rounds (themed series of 5 minute presentations) on topics ranging from student engagement to textbook affordability and technology in education
  • An interactive, in-person workshop hosted by a UNCG faculty member allowing instructors to learn about and participate in an exciting active learning strategy: team-based learning.
  • Nine 30-50 minute informational sessions addressing everything from trauma-informed teaching to the connection between intention and instruction and innovative teaching strategies in across delivery formats.

Visit the Adapt Conference website to view the schedule, read full session descriptions, and get more information about the conference.

SOE IT logo

Do you have questions? Drop-in to an upcoming session and get answers from one of the School of Education Instructional Technology Consultants.

School of Education instructors (faculty, lecturers, adjuncts, teaching assistants, etc.) are invited to drop-in and receive the “just in time” assistance needed for their courses. Instructors can receive assistance on such things as instructional design, course revisions & updates, as well as receive suggestions and recommendations for selecting and implementing learning tools (Canvas, Zoom, G-Suite, Box, and Microsoft Office 365) in their courses.

Canvas Logo

Canvas shells for Fall 2022 courses are now available! If you are listed as the instructor of record, you should be able to now access these courses in Canvas.

As you prepare your courses for the upcoming semesters, please keep the following SOEIT services and information in mind.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your SOE Instructional Technology Consultants and schedule a consultation.

Canvas Logo

On Friday, May 20, 2022, Information Technology Services (ITS) will delete courses in Canvas from the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters of the following years: 

  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016

May 20 will be the first occurrence of ITS’ annual course deletions. 

*This is only for Banner fed term based courses and will not affect Canvas Organizations.

Learn more from the ITS News article