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Do you have questions? Drop-in to an upcoming session and get answers from one of the School of Education Instructional Technology Consultants.

School of Education instructors (faculty, lecturers, adjuncts, teaching assistants, etc.) are invited to drop-in and receive the “just in time” assistance needed for their courses. Instructors can receive assistance on such things as instructional design, course revisions & updates, as well as receive suggestions and recommendations for selecting and implementing learning tools (Canvas, Zoom, G-Suite, Box, and Microsoft Office 365) in their courses.

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May 19th is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! GAAD occurs annually to raise awareness about digital accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities. Although GAAD is officially marked each year as the third Thursday in May, events covering a variety of digital accessibility topics are offered all throughout the months of May and June. Support GAAD by learning more about how to improve digital accessibility for everyone!


This virtual event is hosted by NC Higher Ed Digital Accessibility Collaborative. Learn about digital accessibility with other NC higher ed colleagues. Several digital accessibility topics will be covered throughout the day in 50 minute sessions. Cost: FREE

Go to Join the Journey Conference for more information, or register today!


  • GAAD Events & Activities  – find additional professional development opportunities that support GAAD throughout May and June
  • GAAD Foundation – get a general overview of digital accessibility and how it affects people with disabilities
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Offered by Panopto, their Panopto Advanced Training Webinars will provide in-depth training and information on a specific topic or Panopto feature.

This month, they will be discussing how to make your Panopto videos more interactive. They will review how add to add additional elements to your Panopto video for more engagement. This includes quizzes, YouTube videos, PDFs, and other web pages. They will also review other applications that we integrate with that can help you add even more interactivity.

The webinar is set for Thursday, May 19th at 11:00am EDT (8:00am PDT / 4:00pm BST), if interested, please Register for the Panopto Advanced Training Webinar.

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As we get ready for our summer sessions to begin, we wanted to take this moment to remind you of the services and support available to you through the School of Education office of Instructional Technology Support (SOEIT).

Take a look at our Start Your Semester page to learn more about what we can offer and to get some quick tips on how to get started with Canvas, Zoom, and Panopto.

Join an upcoming workshop & training session by checking out our listings for scheduled and self-paced training opportunities through the UNCG Workshops & Events Calendar, and register for an upcoming session. If you are looking for something that is not on our list, please do not hesitate to reach out, [email protected], as the SOE Instructional Technology Consultants (ITC’s) are here to help!