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This month, SoftChalk unveiled their new website and the content authoring tool you love with a refreshed brand identity. Over the last month, they have poured their hearts and souls into creating a new image that would accurately depict who they are, at our core as a team.

This change did not affect the usability of this tool, just the look and feel of the program and their SoftChalk website.

If you are interested in seeing SoftChalk’s new look and considering using this tool in the upcoming semester, consider scheduling a consultation with your SOE ITC’s and/or requesting access to our SOE SoftChalk account.

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TODAY, Friday, July 8, 2022, Information Technology Services (ITS) will begin modifying some Box and Google Workspace accounts to better manage licensing and storage capacity according to our data-retention requirements.

When an account is deprovisioned, data owned by the account is deleted. To ensure business continuity, UNCG users are encouraged to review the Box and Google Drive data they use to determine if the data is owned by an account that is scheduled for deprovisioning. If it is, users should request a data-ownership transfer to retain the data and access to it.

Learn more from ITS News.

SOE IT logo

Do you have questions? Drop-in to an upcoming session and get answers from one of the School of Education Instructional Technology Consultants.

School of Education instructors (faculty, lecturers, adjuncts, teaching assistants, etc.) are invited to drop-in and receive the “just in time” assistance needed for their courses. Instructors can receive assistance on such things as instructional design, course revisions & updates, as well as receive suggestions and recommendations for selecting and implementing learning tools (Canvas, Zoom, G-Suite, Box, and Microsoft Office 365) in their courses.

“This year, Zoom will host its inaugural Global Education Summit focusing on the future of education and how hybrid work and hybrid learning are changing the primary & secondary (K-12) and post-secondary education landscape… Listen to thought leaders and experts from the education community and Zoom as they discuss the changes necessary to support education in the coming decade and help us explore what challenges and opportunities lie ahead.”

Learn more and register

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Are you looking to learn more about digital accessibility? Did you know that the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has created a video series covering a variety of topics on digital access in education, including how people with disabilities use technology, applicable Federal regulations, and identifying and remediating barriers to access.  Whether you are in the educational field or not, these videos have wide ranging coverage for those who want to know: What makes technology accessible for individuals with disabilities? And how can I make my site or platform more accessible?