UNCG Services & Support
UNCG Libraries OER Mini Grants, 2021-2022 Year
The Office of the Provost and the University Libraries join together to support faculty interested in providing their students with a less expensive yet educationally rewarding alternative to expensive commercial textbooks. The high cost of commercial textbooks (print and electronic) is a major concern for both students and their parents. The UNCG Open Education “Mini-Grants” Initiative, […]
Be Aware: 30-day retention period for Zoom recordings
Beginning February 1, 2021, Zoom cloud recordings will be automatically deleted 30 days after their creation. Instructors who plan to use the Zoom-Canvas integration to schedule and record meetings should enable Panopto Video in their course before hosting any Zoom meetings. This setting ensures that all Zoom cloud recordings for class meetings are automatically transferred to Panopto where they remain indefinitely. […]
Online Video Platforms
At UNC Greensboro, we have many online video platform options available to our faculty, staff, and students. The handout below was created as a quick guide to help you differentiate between your options so that you can choose the best tool for your needs. If you have questions about your options, please feel free to […]
New Login Process for Canvas starting Wednesday, January 6
Please be aware that on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the login process for Canvas will change to the process used for other cloud applications at UNCG, such as Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Zoom and Microsoft Office 365. To learn more about this new process, please see the UNCG IT News Article.