Did you know?

Located in Stone 169 is a unique instructional space, the Video Conference Room (VCR) is a self-service remote conferencing room. The VCR comes equipped with an auto-tracking camera, dual-monitor PC, laptop connection, document camera, and a Kaptivo digital-whiteboard – perfect for faculty that need access to cutting-edge technology without an actual classroom setting.

The VCR reservation form can be found here, as well as a brief video detailing the instructional technology in the room. Faculty may request individual assistance for any of our software or classroom technology by submitting an ITS Training Request Form

Canvas Logo

Canvas has the Delay posting option for announcements. You will find this feature below the announcement text box in the Options section.

delay announcement post in Canvas

The Delay posting feature allows you to set up the announcements ahead of time and schedule them to release to participants at a later time in the semester. Please consider taking advantage of the Delay posting feature. It will allow you to get your session announcements done before it begins so you can then focus on other duties and help students get more out of your Canvas course. 

Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, faculty-driven peer-review process used to ensure the quality of online and blended course design.

The School of Education Instructional Technology Consultants (SOE ITCs) are certified in QM. Their objective is to guide instructors through successful implementation and maintenance of online, hybrid, and remote courses and programs. Please feel free to reach out to your SOE ITCs for a one-on-one QM review, where they will work hand-in-hand with you to further enhance the quality of your course design.

Learn more about QM through the 
SOE Quality Matters Review course in Canvas.

Join an upcoming UNCG QM professional development workshop.

Starting April 15, 2022, UNCG’s retention policy will change to match Panopto’s new content retention policy*, and videos will be automatically archived according to this policy: 

  • Videos that have not been accessed in 13 months are automatically archived.
  • The auto-archive process that determines when a video was last accessed runs twice per month.
  • Archived videos are deleted if they have not been accessed in three years.
  • NOTE: Users are not notified prior to files being archived. 

*Panopto changed its default policy on January 3, 2022.

Read more : ITS Knowledge Base Article

SOE IT logo

Did you know that the School of Education (SOE) Office of Instructional Technology Support offers workshop & training opportunities every month?

Check out the UNCG Workshops & Events Calendar, to register for an upcoming session.

If you are unable to attend one of these scheduled sessions, please don’t forget that we also offer on-demand training sessions. 

If you are looking for something that is not on our list, please do not hesitate to reach out, [email protected], as the SOE Instructional Technology Consultants (ITC’s) are here to help!.