UNCG Services & Support
UNCG Libraries will be hosting 60 minute webinars on Zotero, a free citation management program all next month. This will be an introduction to Zotero, so all levels are welcome, but they will be covering installation and setup along with a basic introduction to adding and organizing references. All sessions will cover the same content. […]
Video Conference Room – Stone 169
Did you know? Located in Stone 169 is a unique instructional space, the Video Conference Room (VCR) is a self-service remote conferencing room. The VCR comes equipped with an auto-tracking camera, dual-monitor PC, laptop connection, document camera, and a Kaptivo digital-whiteboard – perfect for faculty that need access to cutting-edge technology without an actual classroom setting. The […]
Changes to Panopto storage are coming
Starting April 15, 2022, UNCG’s retention policy will change to match Panopto’s new content retention policy*, and videos will be automatically archived according to this policy: Videos that have not been accessed in 13 months are automatically archived. The auto-archive process that determines when a video was last accessed runs twice per month. Archived videos are deleted […]
UNCG Libraries Research Tutorials: Additions and Info
Please see the message below from Sam Harlow, Online Learning Librarian. “I wanted to note some new UNCG Libraries Research Tutorials that have been published recently, on the website and in Canvas Commons: Informed Voting Evaluating Sources: Lateral Reading and SIFT Evaluating Health Information Understanding Different Source Types Grey Literature There should also be one on “Newspapers” coming out […]
UNCG ITS Jamf Self Service Replaces MacApps and MacSetup
On January 3, 2022, MacApps and MacSetup were decommissioned and replaced by Jamf Self Service. Learn more about this change and how it might affect you in the ITS News article.