UNCG has two Online Learning & Innovation webinars this week. These are around 30 minutes in Zoom Meetings and are recorded. Please sign up if you’re interested in the topic and can’t attend – you’ll receive an email with the recording after the webinar.
Strategies and Spaces, Blended Learning at UNCG, Wednesday, February 9th, 12-12:30 pm
Presented by Amy Brown (Teaching Innovations Office) and Evan Kelly (ITS: Learning Technology)
Blended learning takes multiple forms at UNCG- from online synchronous meetings to hybrid models that use both online and in-person instructional time. These blended options require planning and strategies to make them successful. Recently, ITS has created several new spaces on campus to help faculty embrace the demand for blended learning options and engage students at home and in the classroom. This workshop will share some strategies UNCG faculty are using as they prepare for blended learning and introduce the new spaces available on campus.
“Inclusive Teaching Practices” on Thursday, February 10th at 12pm
by Rob Owens, Bryan School Instructional Technology Consultant (ITC)
Please join us for a session on how to be more inclusive in your teaching practices, both face-to-face and online, with Rob Owens, ITC for the Bryan School.
Register Here – for both sessions!